We’ve partnered our proven groundbreaking software technology with world class partners to meet today’s needs for temperature sensing and alerting using our facial and object recognition for access control, mask detection, and occupancy, and density management for social distance monitoring.
Temperature Sensing /Access Control
Solutions for temperature scanning one-to-one or at a distance for fever alerting for individuals entering commercial buildings, manufacturing facilities, and other public spaces.
Facial Recognition /Temp Sensing
A powerful combination of facial recognition and access control software to assure that individuals are recognized and authorized to enter, coupled with temperature sensing to ensure that they do not have a fever.
Kiosk One-to-One Access Control
This option to leverage facial recognition and temperature sensing with automated alerting in a self-serve kiosk format for one-to-one check in.
Occupancy Management
New rules in retail and other public spaces require limiting total persons permitted in a facility to a percentage of previous capacity. Computer vision systems, in real-time, can alert when capacity is being approached and exceeded.
Density Management
Computer vision is excellent at managing density of persons in retail, and other private and public buildings, to ensure that social distancing guidelines are being followed.
Mask Detection
Computer vision utilizes object recognition to identify and alert on those persons in public spaces that are not adhering to rules requiring the wearing of masks.