VSBTLY Advantage
VSBLTY gives retailers and brands the power of instant information. Our DataCaptor™ measures all elements of the Path to Purchase, using advanced optics and sensors to provide objective, real-time qualitative measurement and analysis in retail and other environments.

Advanced Object Recognition
Utilizing machine learning models, ComputerVision on the Edge can identify any enrolled object, including weapons on any national and regional detection database for public safety.
Anonymous Data
This technology provides comprehensive measurement of Body Count (impressions), Dwell Time, Gender, Age Range, Emotional Sentiment, Recurring Visitors and Touch Points.
Totally Ubiquitous SaaS Solution
Our SaaS solution allows for CMS integration through RST API, as well as demographically triggered content integrated into any directly connected camera system (CCTV or IP) while conforming with Federal and State privacy laws.
Turnkey Services
From Hardware to Creative to Analytics, our turnkey business model seamlessly connects every step of the process using a single source contact. This streamlined approach allows for all parts of the program to be completely aligned strategically and conceptually.